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About us

  十茗堂(北京)贸易有限公司是专业经营茶业和红酒的贸易公司。”十茗”取中国十大名茶之意。十茗堂(北京)贸易有限公司不仅致力于中国十大名茶的销售与茶文化的传播,同时也正在通过努力把具有西班牙特色的红酒带到中国来。 提起西班牙,人们往往想到的是豪放勇敢的斗牛士和风情万种的西班牙女郎。其实,西班牙葡萄酒像养在深闺的大家闺秀,无论是从其悠久的葡萄种植历史和优良独特的种植环境、而独有的葡萄品种、传统而先进的酿酒工艺、以及出众的品质和非凡的风格等考量指标来看,都无愧于旧世界葡萄酒中新领军者的地位。 十茗堂(北京)贸易有限公司是中国大陆的西班牙红酒代理商,代理的主要西班牙红酒品牌包括:Bodegas Briego(博立艾戈酒庄)、Finca la Estacada(芬卡酒庄)、Martúe(马图)、Bodegas Pittacum(皮塔昆酒庄)、Bodegas Zuazo Gostón(嘉士顿酒庄) 、Castro Ventosa(卡斯特文酒庄)等。所代理的全部红酒均从西班牙直接引进,带有原装木箱,收藏与投资价值,是葡萄酒爱好者的不二之选。 Shi Ming Tang (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. is a professional tea and red wine trading company. "Shi Ming" is the meaning of China's top ten tea. Shi Ming Tang (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. not only committed to China's top ten sales and dissemination of tea culture, but also is by trying to bring Spain red wine to china. Referred to Spain, people often think of the bold and brave matador and amorous lady of spain. In fact, the Spanish wine like the lady kept in purdah, whether it is from a long history of grape growing and excellent growing conditions, rare and unique grape varieties, traditional and advanced brewing technology, superior quality and extraordinary style, and consider all the indicators, is worthy a new leader in the old world wine. Shi Ming Tang (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. is the largest agents of Spanish wine in china mainland, agents of the main Spanish wine brands include:Bodegas Briego, Finca la Estacada, Martúe, Bodegas Pittacum, Bodegas Zuazo Gostón, Castro Ventosa and so on. All wines are directly imported from Spain, with original wooden box, have a large collection and investment value ,is the best choice for wine lovers.